One ounce of Wheatgrass juice is
equivalent in vitamins, minerals, and
amino acids found in over 2 ½ pounds of green leaf vegetables.
Wheatgrass is one of the richest natural sources of vitamins A,
complete B complex, B-17, C, E, and K. In addition, Wheatgrass is an
excellent source of Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus,
Sodium, Sulfur, Cobalt, Zinc, 17 forms of Amino Acids and Enzymes. *1
juice is rich in Chlorophyll, which makes up 70% if the solid content
of Wheatgrass juice. Chlorophyll is often referred to as “the
blood of plant life.” It closely resembles the molecules of human
red blood cells and aids in rebuilding the bloodstream, which
counteracts anemia, reduces risk to cancer and cleanses the body. It is
chlorophyll in Wheatgrass juice which helps the blood carry healing
Oxygen to all the cells. Wheatgrass is a valuable tool in the
body’s natural self-healing process because it helps fight
infection. *2
1*Meyerowitz, Steve “Wheatgrass,
Natures Finest Medicine”1999